LEOPARD TC CONTOLS F1 TC eye view F2 "GPSE" Peri view F3 Normal Peri view F5 Map screen B Button/unbutton tank Joystick Up/Down Elevate/depress view. (Elevate/depress gun if overriding.) Joystick Left/Right Steer current view left/right. (Steer turret left/right if overriding.) Joy 1 (Spacebar) Order gunner to fire at target. (Fire gun if overriding.) Joy 2 (CTL) Drive to this point (eye view) (Lase, if overriding. ) Joy 3 (P) Cancel override/surveillance mode. Joy 4 (N) Toggles binos on/off. (Toggles GPSE mag if overriding.) Joy hat Up or Up Arrow key Slave gun to Peri (overrides gunner) Joy hat Down or Down Arrow key Slave Peri to gun Keypad * Enter KW mode, if overriding. Shift joy hat left or Shift left Arrow Gunner scan left Shift hat right or Shift right Arrow Gunner scan right M Gunner use main gun / coax Insert Load Sabot next round Delete Load HEAT next round Home Load STAFF next round End Load MPAT next round , NORMAL fire control mode . EMERGENCY fire control mode / MANUAL fire control mode Keypad + Toggle TIS (on/standby) if overriding Keypad - Toggle TIS polarity if overriding 0-9 Type manual range entry Enter Enter battle sight range into ballistic computer